HIPPA Compliance Checklist 2011

An important component of preparing for a potential HIPAA compliance audit is to complete a "walk through" to make sure privacy and security policies and procedures are practical and effective." Here is a short HIPAA Compliance Check...

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Prep for the CEH v7 exam: Tune your Web Hacking Skills with these Live Hackable Simulation Environments

I am preparing for for my Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification and have compiled a handful of really helpful 'Live' Simulations that you can practice hacking into. Some are webpages, others are virtual environments. I recomend checking...

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Passing the G2700 ISO 27001/27002 certification: What Materials you will need for the Exam.

This guide will provide a set of links and terms to help you gather the correct information needed to pass the G2700 ISO 27001 certification exam.

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